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In 2022, Ed Fornieles and the Fini team released 10,000 cute entities into the world, each bound to ten popular crypto currencies; their physical and emotional state fluctuating with the market's ups and downs.
The preparation for this task was a feat of coordination, involving a team of over 30 modelers and animators to craft the assets necessary to bring the Fini to life.
But before that, Fornieles undertook the much more solitary task of envisioning what every family, clan, and mood of the Fini would look like, drawing hundreds of concept sketches and storyboards for animations on his iPad.
Based on the original shape of the Fini, which had been chosen years before to evoke the chemical reaction that occurs when a person sees a baby, Fornieles drew concept sketches for each Fini family and clan, such as Vitaliz, Doge Pilots, or Unisplats.
In order to express themselves, Fini play, dance, and move in all sorts of ways. Each of these animations was storyboarded by Fornieles, often based on references from the internet or films.
Outside of the core collection, Fini span many artworks, software products, and films. When imagining this world Fornieles often turns to his iPad to sketch out ideas and make notes. Some of these ideas come alive in the world of Fini, while others remain only with the artist.
Video Editor: Mackenzie Davenport
Voice Actor: Chandler Boyte
Special Thanks: Blockbird